Why Does Iowa GOP Love Trump More Than Iowa?

Call Now Iowa elected officials

Action Alert from Iowa Democratic Party

Well President Trump’s event in Cedar Rapids went as expected.

 The President took the stage and spent the entire event bragging about problems he hasn’t solved, policy he has no knowledge of, and results that he hasn’t achieved.

 President Trump doesn’t understand what the people of Iowa need. He hasn’t spent any time in the fields behind the wheel of a combine or in a classroom teaching children math and science. He doesn’t know what it is like to work from sunrise to sunset to earn an honest paycheck.

 He proved it to us tonight. His comments on the reckless withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord show his lack of understanding on how vital clean energy is to Iowa. He mocked wind energy in the state with the 2nd highest wind energy production in the country.

 Even more, Trump claimed, “The two parties should come together and come up with a great deal on healthcare.” That is coming from the highest office holder in a party holding secret, partisan negotiations on healthcare reform that will put 1.3 million Iowans at risk of losing their coverage. This is not a good example of “coming together”.

 And what’s worse? Iowa GOP leaders are standing right there with Trump. Iowans need leaders who will represent Iowa values and not stand by while President Trump destroys all the progress we have made.

Commit to call our elected officials and tell them to start standing up for Iowa values.

Rod Blum: (202) 225-2911Joni Ernst: (202) 224-3254Chuck Grassley: (202) 224-3744David Young: (202) 225-5476

  • Nearly 1.3 million Iowans could be denied health coverage in House bill
  • House bill would devastate health care in rural Iowa
  • Tens of millions of dollars cut in funding for Iowa students and teachers.
  • $100 million cut from programs that support rural Iowa

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