Help Stop Eminent Domain Abuse In Iowa


Action Alert from Bold Iowa:

Dakota Access came to our state two years ago and began trying to buy off landowners and farmers to get permission to run a pipeline roughshod through their property.

Those who resisted were subjected to eminent domain law, which says that the state has the right to take their land — even against their will — for projects that benefit the “public good.”

But our government officials are far overreaching their authority in order to help their rich and powerful friends. A pipeline that benefits a private company and would transport oil mostly for export is not for the “public good.”

Now, nine Iowa landowners who continue to resist construction of the pipeline on their land are suing the state and Dakota Access to stop this abuse of eminent domain law.

Sign the petition to the Iowa Legislature: I stand with Iowa landowners against eminent domain for private gain

The outcome of this lawsuit will affect whether the pipeline construction moves forward, and whether eminent domain can be abused in the future in this state. Iowa should be a place where families who’ve lived here for generations are respected and have the right to decide what to do with their private land.

What’s more, the Dakota Access pipeline would be a disaster for our land and water. It disrupts precious soil that’s been farmed by our families for generations, and a leak would threaten over 200 waterways, poisoning the water we drink and that farmers use to grow our food. Bakken oil also contains cancer-causing chemicals that are a direct threat to human health.

The pipeline construction is almost finished, and the pivotal court hearing is in just three weeks. Stand in court with landowners at the Dec. 15 hearing. Click here for details and share on Facebook.

Your support is crucial right now.

Tell the Iowa Legislature: Stop eminent domain abuse. Click here to sign the petition.

Thanks for standing with Iowa’s farmers.

Ed Fallon and the Bold Iowa team

P.S. Tomorrow, Dec. 29 is Giving Tuesday! Click here to contribute to Bold Iowa’s work to protect our land, water and climate`

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