Oxymoron Of The Year

Grassley Works

Biding his time, doing nothing waiting for President Trump

Biding his time, doing nothing waiting for President Trump

Every time I drive by a political sign for Grassley that says “ Grassley Works” I have to laugh my butt off.

He works doing what exactly?

All he has done for the past 8 years is stop any progress that could be made.

Who can forget his crazy stand on the stimulus package as our country and the world stood at the bring of major depression.

How about his nutty blocking of any solution of to the health care crisis? Who can forget his “pull the plug on grandma” line during his last re-election.

Right now his work is to block any nominees to the federal bench just waiting for the glorious nominees of President Trump. Does anyone really think he won’t just move his obstruction game to vex another opponent if he is still in charge of the Judiary Committee.

Seriously, Grassley Works. What a joke.

He works about as well as the Corvair I had in college. I had to push it, then hop in and pop the clutch to get it started. I guess the analogy stops there. While my Corvair needed some special attention to get it running, there seems to be nothing that can get Grassley to do his job.

That would probably make a great Twitter meme “Grassley Works like” a broken watch; a Samsung Galaxy 7 phone; a sloth; a bat in the daytime.

Have fun, make up your own.

Remember he has a debate Wednesday night against Patty Judge. Even in running for re-election he has done little. This has been a non-run run.

taking some time off from doing nothng in the senate

taking some time off from doing nothng in the senate

About Dave Bradley

retired in West Liberty
This entry was posted in 2016 Election Campaign, Charles Grassley, Patty Judge, Republican Obstruction. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Oxymoron Of The Year

  1. Michael Schmitt says:

    SEIU 73 from Chicago just got back from Bettendorf after spending the day with GOTV activities.


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