Iowa Land Of…. Reaper Drones And Hellfire Missiles?

Ed Flaherty

Ed Flaherty

Dear Friends,

The 132nd Wing of the Iowa Air National Guard is gearing up to pilot and control armed Reaper drones, which carry Hellfire missiles used to kill people in countries with whom we are not at war.

There will be drone legislation introduced in the Iowa legislature addressing privacy and surveillance issues. How much more ought we be concerned with the killing of civilians (a fate much worse than losing privacy) done with the dollars, and in the name of, Iowans.

Here is the clause that we would like added to any drone legislation that may come out of the legislature.

“The piloting or controlling from within the state of Iowa of unmanned aerial vehicles, if they are weaponized, is prohibited, as is the triggering of any weapons mounted on such vehicles.”

Please sign the petition to Iowa legislators

Together, we can reach tons of people and help create change around this important issue. After you’ve signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others. All you need to do is click on the e-mail, Twitter or Facebook links below.

Thank you!

Ed Flaherty

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