Which Two Iowa Lawmakers Have Pledged Their Loyalty To ALEC First Before Iowans?


*BFIA post updated 10:41 am 12/5/13.

In documents released about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) yesterday, it was revealed that Senator Bill Dix and Representative Linda Miller, as Iowa state chairs for ALEC, were asked to pledge,

“I will act with loyalty and put the interests of the organization first.”

“Newly revealed documents demonstrate that Representative Linda Upmeyer believes her first responsibility is to ALEC, above even her constituents. The loyalty oath for legislators proves ALEC’s true colors – corporate special interests first, citizens last. We call on Upmeyer and all ALEC members to publicly renounce the loyalty oath, retract their membership in this secretive corporate front group and instead work on behalf of their constituents.” – Matt Sinovic, Progress Iowa


Here is a link to yesterday’s story in the Guardian.The state chair pledge is highlighted on page 20 of the embedded document: theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/03/alec-funding-crisis

And here is the ALEC website listing Dix and Miller as the Iowa chairs: alec.org/about-alec/state-chairmen/

ALEC – the American Legislative Exchange Council, is in D.C. this week for its “State and Nation Policy Summit” has been the moving force behind legislation including the Stand Your Ground laws that protect reckless killers, voter suppression schemes and laws to strip workers of their right to bargain collectively for fair wages, benefits and working conditions.

ALEC is funded by massive “donations,” from corporations who in return are given full voting rights in all decisions. Corporations draft legislation that directly benefits their bottom line, sit with legislators at ALEC conferences and vote on ALEC policy and legislation, then set the legislators loose to push these bills on their behalf in state governments around the country.

ALEC’s legislative agenda for 2014 includes plans to harass navigators who help uninsured Americans sign up for affordable health coverage and continue to push for a repeal of the minimum wage.

Matt Sinovic, Progress Iowa


BFIA Action Alert:  We have a right to expect that our elected officials in Des Moines will represent the best interests of the people of Iowa, NOT the best interests of the Koch Brothers and their ALEC corporate friends.

If you live in Iowa Iowa Senate District 9 (Bill Dix), or Iowa House district 94 (Linda Miller), contact these two corporate shills and remind them that their loyalty is to you and your fellow constituents, not a lobbying group for the Koch Brothers.  Scroll down for contact info.

If you are not sure of your district, here is a link to the Iowa Senate districts.  Here is a link to the Iowa House districts.

Contact Senator Bill Dix here:

Legislative Email: bill.dix@legis.iowa.gov
Home Phone: 319.885.6790
Cell Phone: 319.269.3664
Home Address: 317 S. Walnut Street, P.O. Box 220 Shell Rock IA, 50670

Contact Rep. Linda Miller here:

Legislative Email: linda.miller@legis.iowa.gov
Home Phone: 563.449.9956
Home Address: 6766 Ridges Court, Bettendorf IA, 52722
Capitol Phone: 515.281.3221
Business Phone: 563.650.9539

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